Are you tired of those Educational, Training and Informational Programs that only provide “sameness”?

Are you looking for better ways to get things done by applying leadership principles in your life?

Are you aware of the fact that Personal & Professional Development is a PROCESS, and not an event?

Do you want to know and implement a SYSTEM rather than simply learning just a program?

At Awakening Minds, we work on increasing the level of awareness of the being, not on the doing.

Because we are Human Beings, NOT Human Doings

In this system, the term Leadership is not employed to denote a role or a position, but a mind-setThe system has been developed considering some different aspects of  human behavior, personal development and leadership skills, and how the application of these aspects will CREATE better people that can be better leaders at any organization, big or small, public or private, for profit or non-for-profit. 

You and your team will learn about Building Better Relationships, Resilience, Empathy, Applying Coaching, Enjoying the Success Journey, Develop High Performance Teamwork, Get Transformation, Apply Leadership Laws, Understand the Importance of Brain Health, Improve your Attitude by differentiating Rational from Emotional Thinking, and will be equipped to take your team and organization to the next level.

Then, this SYSTEM is for you and your team! It works, but only if you do!

The system focuses on these 3 themes:


What if, instead of bringing your team to a conference, you bring the speakers to your site?
The Live2Lead Module is presented in (2) 90-minute sessions each using the keynotes from this event. The interactive participation makes the lessons taught at this event conveniently applied to our daily routines. Live2Lead is a Leadership Development event where John Maxwell and other speakers address topics related to present times with a leadership perspective. The speakers for L2L 2023-2024 are:
  • John Maxwell 
  • Kendra Scott
  • Ryan Leak
  • Marcus Buckingham

Our aim is TRANSFORMATION, not only information. And we’ll strive to achieve this goal with you!

What if you could tap into your greatest motivations and dramatically improve your relationships and accelerate your results?

Your individual personality affects every aspect of your life. That’s why one of the best things you can do to grow yourself and others is to understand your personality and what naturally drives you.  When you recognize your strengths and weaknesses, you are able to give your best as you work with people around you.

Get along with everyone even if your are not a “people person”.

Everyone you encounter is motivated differently, and views tasks and relationships differently. The Maxwell DISC profile workshop will help you achieve greater success when you learn to value your strengths as well as those of others.

Whatever your vocation or aspiration, you can increase your impact on others by Becoming a Person of Influence. Learn simple, insightful ways to interact more positively with others, and watch your personal and organizational success go off the charts.

Managers will see their employees respond with new enthusiasm. Parents will connect with their children on a deeper level. Coaches will see players blossom. Pastors will reach more people.  Salespeople will break records.

Everyone influences others. You don’t have to be in a high-profile occupation to be an influencer; whenever your life connects with another person, you exert  influence. Everything you do– at home, at work, or at play—has an impact on the lives around you. No matter what your goals are in life, you can achieve them faster, you can be more effective and the contribution you make can be longer lasting if you learn to develop your influence. In this 5-week program, the participants will learn that:

1. A Person of Influence Has…Integrity with People

2. A Person of Influence…Nurtures Other People

3. A Person of Influence Has…Faith in People

4. A Person of Influence…Listens to People

5. A Person of Influence…Understands People

6. A Person of Influence…Enlarges People

7. A Person of Influence…Navigates for Other People

8. A Person of Influence…Connects with People

9. A Person of Influence…Empowers People

10. A Person of Influence…Reproduces Other Influencers.

What do you want to say? Will you be able to deliver that message? When you do, will you communicate well enough that it gets through and accomplishes what you want it to?

This 8-week program will help you enhance your communication following these principles:

  • The most effective message is the one you live: Who you are gives credibility to what you say.
    • Be Transparent
    • Be Consistent
  • Characteristics of a Good Collaboration Team:
    • Good Collaborators Have an Open Mindset
    • Good Collaborators Ask and Answer Questions
  • When You Have Something Worth Saying, People Start Listening
    • Start with Your Audience
    • Stay in Your Strength Zone

All this with the following target: The greatest success in communication is ACTION

“Communicators Take Something Complicated and Make It Simple”

                                                                                                                      ~ John C. Maxwell

4 Key Elements For Success

Humans are complex beings. One definition of success is: 1) knowing your purpose in life, 2) growing to your maximum potential, and 3) sowing the seeds that benefit others. It is a rather simple recipe yet requires awarenessstudy, practice and mentoring to achieve.

While success may mean different things to each of us, the foundation of success can be settled in these principles. When we get to have control over these, our success journey has started! In these modules, we will concentrate our efforts on the following principles:
  1. Relationships: Getting along with people.
  2. Equipping: Receiving and giving the right tools for the journey.
  3. Attitude: The right attitude will allow us to empower and equip our team to success.
  4. Leadership: In most cases, we overestimate the event and underestimate the process of leadership development.


In this course, the participants will:

  • Establish the value of a Servant Leader approach to leadership
  • Define what Servant Leadership is, and is not
  • Build a plan to become a better Servant Leader

This training will take you on a journey that will help team members climb to becoming a Servant Leader.  True Servant Leaders must be intentional about developing this leadership style, that’s why we are using a mountain climbing metaphor and the acronym of ASCEND.  At each step along the way you will have opportunities to capture personal action steps in your ASCEND to the TOP – Action Planner.

The Approach

The Servant Mindset

The Courageous Climb

Empowering for Results

Navigate the Summit

Designing the Future

The value and benefit of having a highly diverse team can only be realized with a culture of inclusiveness. Inclusive leaders cultivate an environment where everyone on their team feels safe, valued, welcome, and as though they belong. When someone feels safe and welcome, they do not feel the need to cover their identity or, worse yet, take on the identity of the leader. Teammates feel free to be themselves. When this happens, the leader and the organization will reap the full benefit found in highly diverse teams.

WHAT IS INCLUSIVE LEADERSHIP AND WHAT MAKES AN INCLUSIVE LEADERDefining Inclusive Leadership. Identifying the challenges of Inclusive Leadership. Introduce the Inclusive Leader model.

THE SELF-AWARE LEADER: How self-aware are you? Tools to increase your self-awareness. Identifying and removing blind spots.

THE CULTURALLY INTELLIGENT LEADER: Why would Cultural Intelligence (CQ) improve inclusiveness? How do you identify? Understanding the dynamics of differences

THE CURIOUS LEADER: The role of curiosity in being more inclusive. Are you asking questions or being curious? How teachable are you? Are you interested or trying to be interesting?

THE CONSCIOUSLY BIASED LEADER: The role of bias when trying to be inclusive. Moving from stereotyping to generalizing. Overcoming the “Like Me” bias.

THE EQUITABLE LEADER: Equality vs. Equity. Becoming aware of the barriers people face.

Raise the level of effectiveness of your leaders by learning how to Coach for High Performance.


Leaders and Organizations will experience a shift in the ability to influence and empower those they lead to achieve greater results, solve problems, increase leadership skills, and improve employee engagement, using the tools they acquire in this workshop.

We will provide a highly interactive coaching workshop where participants will experience both observational learning, practical application, and live coaching sessions using the Maxwell Leadership Coaching Framework.  At the end of this training, participants will have a thorough understanding of how to coach using a proven framework, the process to follow, and how to ask powerful coaching questions.  They will learn the method to build rapport and connect quickly, and how to be fully present and actively listen.  They will experience multiple live coaching sessions where they will have the opportunity to role play the coach & the client.

Upon completion of the workshop, participants will have the knowledge and skills to effectively use the Maxwell Leadership Coaching Method to influence those they lead and will be provided with a certificate of completion.

This course is divided into 4 modules:

  1. Five Essential Elements of a High Performance Environment
  2. The Foundational Skills of Coaching
  3. The AOOA Coaching Framework
  4. Applying the Coaching Framework

17 Laws for High Performance Teamwork

We celebrate great human achievement and so often we view a single person as the hero of a great accomplishment.  However, if you really look below the surface you will see that most solo acts are really team efforts. In this High-Performance Team Work Workshop, based on leadership expert John C. Maxwell`s The 17 Indisputable Laws of Teamwork, we will guide your team through the keys to elevate what they can accomplish together.


Brains rule the world; however, we rarely think about the brain, which is a huge mistake.

Success starts with a healthy brain! Brain related problems affect people at some point in their lives: Brain fog, memory problems, Depression/Anxiety,  Insomnia, Attentional issues, Being overweight or obese. 

With this program you will understand how you can take care of your brain, and the effect of hormones in our daily routines. 

Most people never reach their potential because their machines—the most powerful tool they will ever have—inherited faulty programming.

But, it’s not their fault—they were never taught how their mind works, how to reprogram it, or how much power they have to create the lives they want.

You were probably never taught that you have the ability to change ANYTHING about yourself—your level of intelligence, your talent, your  abilities, and your personality.  

This course will teach you how your mind works, including the #1 most important thing you could ever understand about yourself, which is that your thoughts are what create your emotions. That’s right, even though it seems like the situations or people around you are causing you to feel a certain way, the truth is that it is what you THINK about the situation that causes your emotion.

Transformation is an inside job, and change is a process.

This 4-week module isn’t just a list of processes to create lasting change and reach your goals, although it does cover that. This module is about changing from the inside out and preventing the obstacles that tend to stop people from reaching their true potential. And that’s why this module is designed to help you:

• Identify the blocks that hold you back so you can become unstoppable

• Overcome fear of change, rejection and failure so you can feel confident going for your dream

• Develop self-mastery by reprogramming limiting beliefs

• Develop a growth mindset so you know without a doubt that nothing can stand in your way again

• Get absolutely clear about what you REALLY want and who you REALLY are so you can stop living everyone else’s dreams

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